Here’s our ultimate rental inspection checklist for 2024

Here’s our ultimate rental inspection checklist for 2024

Have you just landed your very own rental pad? Congrats, tenant extraordinaire! Now, before you blast victory music and unleash the inner interior decorator, there’s a tiny hurdle to jump — the rental inspection. Don’t fret, though! This inspection is just a routine check-up — a simple walkthrough for the Property Manager to see how you’re keeping things shipshape. Fear not, brave adventurer; following these tips and a little prep, you can transform from a nervous newbie to an inspection ninja!

But how often will these inspections happen? Buckle up, because the answer depends on what part of Australia you call home. Think of it like a state-by-state game show — “Rental inspection frequency: How often will they knock?”

Round 1: The big three (NSW, VIC, QLD, WA)

In these states, the inspectors might be more frequent visitors, like that neighbour who always seems to borrow sugar (every three or four months, to be precise). So, keep your place tidy and ready for their pop-in.

Round 2: Taking it easy (SA, TAS, NT, ACT)

Here, inspections might be more relaxed, like catching up with a friend for coffee (think every six months or even annually). Still, it’s good practice to keep things ship-shaped.

Bonus Round: Check your tenancy agreement!

This is your ultimate rulebook! Sometimes, the agreement might have a different inspection frequency than the state regulations. So, give it a good read to be sure.

Here are our top seven tips!

1. Take stock of any minor repairs well before the inspection

Rental inspections can feel like pop quizzes for tenants. To avoid any surprises, take a proactive approach! A week or two beforehand, schedule some “me-time” with your rental. Walk through each room with a critical eye, checking for any minor repairs that might have snuck up on you. Is a lightbulb flickering? Does a cabinet door hang a little crooked? Make sure you note them down so that you can let your Property Manager know come routine inspection time.

2. Make note of any issues or concerns you want to discuss

The property inspection isn’t just a one-way street for the inspector. It’s your chance to be the squeaky wheel (in a good way!) Use this opportunity to raise any concerns you’ve noticed around the property. Is there a loose floorboard that has become a tripping hazard? Before the inspection, grab a notepad and jot down any issues, big or small. Bringing these to the Property Manager’s attention shows you’re a responsible tenant who cares about the upkeep of the property. It also ensures these concerns get documented and addressed in a timely manner, keeping your rental feeling like a comfortable, safe haven.

3. Make a thorough cleaning checklist and set aside a day to get to work

Conquering your first property inspection is all about preparation, and a sparkling clean apartment is key! To avoid that pre-inspection cleaning frenzy, ditch the last-minute scramble and create a thorough cleaning checklist beforehand. Divide your apartment room by room, listing tasks like dusting ceiling fans, wiping down appliances and scrubbing floors. Remember often-overlooked areas like window blinds, light fixtures and even the backs of doors. This checklist ensures a stress-free cleaning session and guarantees you won’t miss any hidden dust bunnies or lurking grime. With a sparkling clean apartment as your weapon, you’ll face your inspection confidently and leave a stellar impression on the property manager.

4. If you have housemates, sit down and ensure everyone is on the same page

Living with housemates can be a property inspection adventure! To avoid pre-inspection meltdowns, hold a quick “Flatmate Summit.” Here, divide cleaning duties, discuss minor repairs, and pick an inspection day champion (if possible). Open communication is critical. Voice any concerns as a united front, ensuring a smooth inspection for everyone. This teamwork shows the inspector you’re all responsible tenants who care about keeping your rental a great place to live!

5. Don’t forget the property exterior!

Most tenants focus on sparkling interiors before a property inspection, but remember the curb appeal! The inspector might eye the exterior quickly, so take a pre-inspection stroll around the property. Are there overflowing bins or forgotten toys scattered around? A quick pick-up of any clutter and a check for overflowing gutters demonstrate your attentiveness to the entire property. After all, a well-maintained exterior makes an excellent first impression and shows the inspector you’re a tenant who cares about the overall upkeep of your rental haven.

6. Use it as an excuse to declutter — Marie Kondo style

Dreading that pre-inspection clutter panic? Channel your inner Marie Kondo! The property inspection is the perfect excuse to unleash your inner decluttering ninja. Think of it as a chance to spark joy not just in the Property Manager’s heart (okay, maybe not their heart) but in your own living space. Grab a basket and wander through each room, asking yourself if each item sparks joy (or at least a vague sense of purpose). Donate, sell, or recycle anything that doesn’t bring you joy. This pre-inspection KonMari blitz creates a sparkling space for the inspector and leaves you with a clutter-free sanctuary to relax — a win-win for everyone!

7. Stay calm, wear and tear is normal

As the inspection nears, it’s easy to get fixated on every tiny detail. But remember, tenant life involves living in a space! Normal wear and tear is to be expected. A small scuff on the wall from moving furniture or a slightly faded carpet from everyday use is nothing to panic about. Focus your energy on the things you can control: thoroughly cleaning, addressing minor repairs, and ensuring a clutter-free environment. The Property Manager is there to assess the overall condition, not to play “spot the microscopic imperfection.” So, take a deep breath, channel your inner zen master and remember a well-maintained and clean space speaks volumes, even with a touch of normal wear and tear. Want more info on how to navigate repairs and maintenance? Take a look here.

Remember: With some preparation and these tips, you can transform your first property inspection from a source of stress to a chance to showcase your responsible tenancy.

Remember, clear communication, a clean and clutter-free environment and a willingness to address minor issues go a long way. So, relax, breathe easy and conquer that inspection! Now go forth and enjoy your awesome rental pad! Want to use this time to make your rental feel more like home by redecorating, then take a look at our blog. Don’t forget to tell us what you think about this article, email us at [email protected]