Borough of East McKeesport


Selling a Property

Selling a Property Information

Selling a House?

In East McKeesport Borough, there are three items that must be addressed prior to the borough releasing any lien documentation. 1st is applying for an occupancy permit and scheduling an inspection with the code officer. 2nd is applying for a zoning permit. Lastly is submitting a dye test/lateral inspection. Below is a check list of the requirements and items that will need to be completed in regards to each step. Once all items are completed, please allow minimum of 5 days for the Borough Office to gather and send documentation to closing representative.

Lateral/Dye Test
1. Printing and completing the top section of 'the Borough of East McKeesport Application and Certification of Compliance' from Please complete all line items at the top of the application, including an email address of the contact person that needs to be informed if the lateral fails.

2. Hiring and retaining a registered master plumber to perform a dye test on all storm water control devices and either a registered master plumber or a NASSCO certified operator to perform the private lateral camera work. (The registered master plumber/operator will have to fill out the sections titled: 'dye testing of building facilities' and 'Time of Sale Lateral Testing', so make arrangements for your plumber/operator to get a copy of the application.)

3. The application, the lateral inspection media (can be a flash drive or cd/dvd of the lateral inspection video), and a check, made payable to East McKeesport Borough, in the amount of $125.00 needs to be submitted to The East McKeesport Borough Building located at 907 Florence Ave East McKeesport, PA 15035. * Once reviewed, the results will be emailed to the address listed on the application, of the results. Please allow up to 10 business days for review.

*The review and subsequent pass/fail notification will not occur until the application; lateral media and the payment are received by the borough.

Lateral/Dye Test FAILURE
1. In the event that the lateral evaluation is deemed to have failed, notice will be sent, via the email address provided on the application, notifying of failure. If the dye test or lateral inspection fails it is the responsibility of the seller to arrange for the necessary repairs being made prior to the release of lien documentation and property closing.

2. All repairs must be made by a registered master plumber and all local, state and federal regulations must be followed and all necessary permits must be obtained. (This includes permitting and inspections covered by the Allegheny County Health Department, plumbing division)

3. A second camera review will need to be submitted to the East McKeesport Borough office along with a new application. The registered master plumber that makes the repairs and completes the second camera review will need to complete the section on the application 'IF FAILED.'

Occupancy Inspection
1. Print and complete the application, available by clicking here, and then submit, along with a check, made payable to the Turtle Creek Valley Council of Governments (TCVCOG), to the East McKeesport Borough Office, located at 907 Florence Ave East McKeesport, PA 15035.

2. After application and payment are made, within two weeks, the code officer will call, between normal business hours, to schedule an inspection. The telephone number listed for the owner will be used for scheduling, unless section 2 is completely filled out, listing another contact person.

3. Attached to the Permit application is a list of common failures, this list is not a complete list of items checked. * Please review this list and ensure that all the items listed are repaired prior to inspection.

In the event of a borough occupancy inspection PASS
1. The permit will be included in the lien documentation sent to the closing company. No further action is required as it regards to occupancy application/inspection/permit.

In the event of a borough occupancy inspection FAILURE
1. Within five days of the inspection, an inspection report will be sent to the contact person.

2. If the repairs will be made prior to the property closing, once completed, please contact the code enforcement officer to schedule a re-inspection

3. If the repairs are not made prior to closing, the buyer (NOT THE BUYER'S AGENT) will need to complete the 'Affidavit of Buyer of Real Property' acknowledging that they, the buyer(s), are aware that violations exist and will make the necessary repairs prior to occupying the premises. The original Affidavit will need to be signed, notarized and returned to the East McKeesport Borough office at 907 Florence Ave. East McKeesport, PA 15035. After receipt, and after completed and passed lateral review, and of zoning application lien documentation will be released to the closing company.

*For the complete International Property Maintenance Code, please visit
*All repairs must be made in accordance with current building codes.

Zoning Application
1. Print and complete the application, Click here to view/download, and submit, along with a check, in the amount of $25.00 and made payable to the East McKeesport borough, to the East McKeesport Borough Office, located at 907 Florence Ave East McKeesport, PA 15035.

2. This Certificate details the zoning for a particular lot, and will be released with the lien documentation, so long as all other requirements are completed.