How do I bind a specific value to a color using colormap?

I'm plotting a 2D contour plot using contourf(X, Y, Z). How can I create a custom colormap, where certain color would be bound to a curtain value? For example:

100 - [1 0 0] 200 - [1 0.5 0] 1000 - [1 1 0]

It would be also nice to make all values below 100, for example, [0.5 0 0] and all values above 1000 - [1 1 0.5].

Please, do not suggest colormap editor. If this task is impossible for colormap, suggest me another function for 2D plots (maybe, plot it dot by dot)

Walter Roberson on 16 Jan 2019

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To confirm: if the input value were 100*(1+eps) then the output should be transparent because the value would not be any of the ones you listed?

Denis Perotto on 16 Jan 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard I meant non-even intervals: -inf . 100 - [0.5 0 0] 100-200 - [1 0 0] 200-1000 - [1 0.5 0] 1000 . inf - [1 1 0]

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Walter Roberson on 16 Jan 2019

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KSSV on 15 Jan 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Refer this link for the same:
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Denis Perotto on 16 Jan 2019

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Cancel Copy to Clipboard Edited: Denis Perotto on 16 Jan 2019 Tricky, but not acceptable for me.

First, there is a need to see real, not modified, data at any point on a contour, when I move my mouse on that point.

Second, I anyway get an even distribution of colors, which I cannot control. I created a custom colormap of 8 colors and set up 8 intervals. But the cycle, which modifies data, sets all the values to the maximum, and I miss 1 color anyway. I tried to program it like this: