Race and ethnicity

diverse group of college friends walking to class together

Race refers to the social construction and categorization of people based on perceived shared physical traits that result in the maintenance of a sociopolitical hierarchy. The term is also loosely applied to geographic, cultural, religious, or national groups. Self-reported race frequently varies owing to changing social contexts and an individual’s possible identification with more than one race.

Ethnicity is a characterization of people based on having a shared culture (e.g., language, food, music, dress, values, and beliefs) related to common ancestry and shared history.

Resources from APA

collage of racially diverse people

Racial Equity Action Plan Progress and Impact Report

Update on APA’s efforts toward dismantling systemic racism in psychology and society

Dr. Alfiee Breland-Noble

Empowering youth of color

The psychologist is one of 12 global leaders who received a $20 million grant from Melinda French Gates.

Resources designed to help high school psychology teachers infuse diversity and representation within the biological pillar of APA’s National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula

Resources designed to help high school psychology teachers infuse diversity and representation within the cognition pillar of APA’s National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula