Caregiver Skills Training Program

Learn the skills you need to support your child’s growth and development.

Around the world, many children with autism and other developmental disabilities lack access to quality care and interventions. To help these families, the World Health Organization (WHO), with support from Autism Speaks, developed the Caregiver Skills Training (CST) for Families of Children with Developmental Delays or Disabilities.

At no cost to families, the evidence-based CST program teaches parents and caregivers the day-to-day skills they need to help their children reach their full potential. Caregivers are taught to use everyday play and home routines as opportunities to build their child’s communication, engagement, positive behavior and daily living skills.

Parents and caregivers also learn essential problem solving and self-care skills to build confidence, reduce stress and improve their overall well-being—all while learning how to better support their children.

An adult and two children playing with lettered blocks on the floor

WHO eCST Platform

Experience the CST program in a virtual, interactive, self-paced learning environment. Through the eCST platform, you will access pre-recorded courses, videos, quizzes, prompts and other digital materials to learn CST techniques right at home.