Compliance Guidance

OIG has developed a series of voluntary compliance program guidance documents (CPGs) directed at various segments of the health care industry, such as hospitals, nursing homes, third-party billers, and durable medical equipment suppliers, to encourage the development and use of internal controls to monitor adherence to applicable statutes, regulations, and program requirements.

The CPGs are listed below.

On April 24, 2023, OIG announced its plans to improve and update existing CPGs and to deliver new CPGs specific to segments of the health care industry or entities involved in the health care industry that have emerged in recent years. In modernizing OIG’s CPGs, our goal is to produce useful, informative resources—as timely as possible—to help advance the industry’s voluntary compliance efforts in preventing fraud, waste, and abuse in the health care system. Our existing CPGs and supplemental CPGs will remain available for use as an ongoing resource as we develop and publish the new guidance.

February 21, 2024 Update:

The 2023 announcement explained that OIG anticipates that the first two industry segment-specific CPGs (ICPGs) will address Medicare Advantage and nursing facilities. OIG intends to publish these guidance documents in 2024. For the next two ICPGs, OIG anticipates addressing hospitals and clinical laboratories. If you would like to provide feedback related to any of these industry segments before the publication of these ICPGs, please contact us at