Trust and Loan Companies Act ( S.C. 1991, c. 45)

13 Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between a provision of this Act and a provision of the incorporating instrument of a former-Act company, the provision of this Act prevails.

PART II Status and Powers

Marginal note: Corporate powers

Marginal note: Policies and procedures — integrity or security

14.1 A company shall establish and adhere to policies and procedures to protect itself against threats to its integrity or security, including foreign interference.

Marginal note: No invalidity

15 No act of a company, including any transfer of property to or by a company, is invalid by reason only that the act or transfer is contrary to the company’s incorporating instrument or this Act.

Marginal note: By-law not necessary

16 It is not necessary for a company to pass a by-law in order to confer any particular power on the company or its directors.

Marginal note: No personal liability

17 The shareholders of a company are not, as shareholders, liable for any liability, act or default of the company except as otherwise provided by this Act.

Marginal note: No constructive notice

18 No person is affected by or is deemed to have notice or knowledge of the contents of a document concerning a company by reason only that the document has been filed with the Superintendent or the Minister or is available for inspection at a branch of the company.

Marginal note: Authority of directors and officers