How Do I Get a Concealed Carry Permit in Los Angeles?

We understand that for most people the idea of applying for a concealed carry permit can seem like a daunting process. Not only do you have to be very careful to fill out every form perfectly without making a mistake you also have to go through an interview process with a law enforcement officer. Attorney William Kroger has decades of experience helping clients navigate the CCW Application process and will be happy to guide you through the entire experience. If you are serious about obtaining a concealed carry permit so you can protect yourself, your family, and your business then contact us today and will be happy to be of assistance.

Learn About the CCW Application Process

What Is the Application Process for a Concealed Carry Permit?

There are three parts of the application process:

  1. Qualifications
  2. Documentation
  3. Firearms Training
What Is the Total Cost of Getting a CCW Permit?

There are many fees associated with getting a CCW permit:

What Are the Qualifications for a Concealed Carry Permit?

To qualify for a ccw permit in Los Angeles, you must:

What Counts as Good Moral Character?

Authorities have lots of discretion when deciding whether an applicant has good moral character. Usually this is determined by your background check or if there is any evidence of poor decision making, such as a DUI or related charge.

What Counts as ‘Good Cause’ for a CCW?

Good cause is also left up to the discretion of issuing authorities. Often, self defense is enough to qualify as ‘good cause’, but some jurisdictions require a specific need or proof that your life is in danger.

What Documentation Is Required to Get a CCW Permit?