Application Layer

The application layer is a layer in the Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI Model) seven-layer model and in the TCP/IP protocol suite. It consists of protocols that focus on process-to-process communication across an IP Network and provides a firm communication interface and end-user services.

An application layer is an abstraction layer that specifies the shared communications protocols and interface methods used by hosts in a communications network. The application layer abstraction is used in both of the standard models of computer networking: the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) and the OSI model. Although both models use the same term for their respective highest-level layers, the detailed definitions and purposes are different. In TCP/IP, the application layer contains the communications protocols and interface methods used in process-to-process communications across an Internet Protocol (IP) computer network. The application layer only standardizes communication and depends upon the underlying transport layer protocols to establish host-to-host data transfer channels and manage the data exchange in a Client Server Architecture or Peer-to-Peer Architecture (P2P Architecture) networking model. Though the TCP/IP application layer does not describe specific rules or data formats that applications must consider when communicating, the original specification (in RFC 1123) does rely on and recommend the robustness principle for application design. In the OSI model, the definition of the application layer is narrower in scope. The OSI model defines the application layer as the user interface responsible for displaying received information to the user. In contrast, the Internet Protocol Suite does not concern itself with such detail. OSI also explicitly distinguishes additional functionality below the application layer, but above the transport layer at two additional levels: the session layer, and the presentation layer. OSI specifies a strict modular separation of functionality at these layers and provides protocol implementations for each layer. [2]

Application Layer Protocols [3]

  1. TELNET: Telnet stands for the telephone network. It helps in terminal emulation. It allows the Telnet client to access the resources of Telnet server. It is used for managing the files on the internet. It is used for the initial setup of devices like switches. Telnet command is a command that uses the Telnet protocol to communicate with a remote device or system.
  2. FTP: FTP stands for file transfer protocol. It is the protocol that actually lets us transfer files. It can facilitate this between any two machines using it. But FTP is not just a protocol but it is also a program.FTP promotes sharing of files via remote computers with reliable and efficient data transfer
  3. TFTP: The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is the stripped-down, stock version of FTP, but it’s the protocol of choice if you know exactly what you want and where to find it. It’s a technology for transferring files between network devices and is a simplified version of FTP
  4. NFS: It stands for the network file system. It allows remote hosts to mount file systems over a network and interact with those file systems as though they are mounted locally. This enables system administrators to consolidate resources onto centralized servers on the network.
  5. SMTP: It stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a part of the TCP/IP protocol. Using a process called “store and forward,” SMTP moves your email on and across networks. It works closely with something called the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) to send your communication to the right computer and email inbox.
  6. LPD: It stands for Line Printer Daemon. It is designed for printer sharing. It is the part that receives and processes the request. A “daemon” is a server or agent.
  7. X window: It defines a protocol for the writing of graphical user interface–based client/server applications. The idea is to allow a program, called a client, to run on one computer. It is primarily used in networks of interconnected mainframes.
  8. SNMP: It stands for Simple Network Management Protocol. It gathers data by polling the devices on the network from a management station at fixed or random intervals, requiring them to disclose certain information. It is a way that servers can share information about their current state, and also a channel through which an administrator can modify pre-defined values.
  9. DNS: It stands for Domain Name Service. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name might translate to
  10. DHCP: It stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). It gives IP addresses to hosts. There is a lot of information a DHCP server can provide to a host when the host is registering for an IP address with the DHCP server.

Functions of Application Layer [4]

  1. Mail Services: This layer provides the basis for E-mail forwarding and storage.
  2. Network Virtual Terminal: It allows a user to log on to a remote host. The application creates software emulation of a terminal at the remote host. User’s computer talks to the software terminal which in turn talks to the host and vice versa. Then the remote host believes it is communicating with one of its own terminals and allows the user to log on.
  3. Directory Services: This layer provides access to global information about various services.
  4. File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM): It is a standard mechanism to access files and manages them. Users can access files on a remote computer and manage them. They can also retrieve files from a remote computer.

Application Layer Functions

source: Amit Dangarh

Application Layer Threats [5]

The open-ended nature of the Application Layer may present threats. Some of the threats can be summarized as follows:

Providing Security at the Application Layer [6]

The following steps have been in practice to make the application layer safer.