Marriage & Divorce Records

To obtain marriage and divorce records in Davidson County, Tennessee, you can follow these general steps:

Records Search

Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property

Davidson County Clerk’s Office: Marriage records in Davidson County are typically maintained by the County Clerk’s Office. You can visit their website or contact them directly to inquire about obtaining marriage records.

Online Search: Some county clerk offices offer online search tools where you can search for marriage records. Check the Davidson County Clerk’s website to see if they provide this service.

Request Form: If you’re unable to find the records online, you may need to fill out a request form. This form can usually be found on the county clerk’s website or obtained by visiting their office in person.

Provide Information: When requesting marriage records, you’ll typically need to provide details such as the full names of the individuals involved, the date of marriage, and any other relevant information that can help in locating the record.

Pay Fees: There may be fees associated with obtaining copies of marriage records. Make sure to inquire about the fee structure when you contact the Davidson County Clerk’s Office.

Davidson County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office: Divorce records in Davidson County are usually maintained by the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office. You can visit their website or contact them directly to inquire about obtaining divorce records.

Online Search: Similarly to marriage records, some circuit court clerk offices provide online search tools for divorce records. Check the Davidson County Circuit Court Clerk’s website to see if they offer this service.

Request Form: If online access is not available, you may need to fill out a request form for divorce records. This form can often be found on the circuit court clerk’s website or obtained by visiting their office in person.

Provide Information: When requesting divorce records, you’ll typically need to provide details such as the full names of the individuals involved, the date of divorce, and any other relevant information that can help in locating the record.

Pay Fees: As with marriage records, there may be fees associated with obtaining copies of divorce records. Make sure to inquire about the fee structure when you contact the Davidson County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office.

Always ensure to follow the specific procedures outlined by the Davidson County Clerk’s Office and the Davidson County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office when requesting marriage and divorce records. Fees and procedures may vary, so it’s important to verify the current requirements. IS A PRIVATELY OWNED WEBSITE THAT IS NOT OWNED OR OPERATED BY ANY STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY.