Medical devices

Medical devices are products or equipment intended for a medical purpose. In the European Union (EU) they must undergo a conformity assessment to demonstrate they meet legal requirements to ensure they are safe and perform as intended. They are regulated at EU Member State level, but the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is involved in the regulatory process.

Manufacturers can place a CE (Conformité Européenne) mark on a medical device once it has passed a conformity assessment.

The conformity assessment usually involves an audit of the manufacturer's quality system and, depending on the type of device, a review of technical documentation from the manufacturer on the safety and performance of the device.

EU Member States designate accredited notified bodies to conduct conformity assessments.

For certain high-risk devices, notified bodies must request an opinion from specific expert panels before issuing a CE certificate. These expert panels benefit from EMA's technical and scientific support.

In some cases, the notified body must seek a scientific opinion from EMA before issuing a CE certificate.

EMA has different regulatory responsibilities for different categories of medical device, including in vitro diagnostics:

Notified body must seek EMA scientific opinion on quality, safety, and usefulness of ancillary medicinal substance if ancillary substance:

Also on this topic

Medical device legislation

The Regulations on Medical Devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/745) and on In Vitro Diagnostic Devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/746) changed the European legal framework for medical devices, introducing new responsibilities for EMA and national competent authorities in the assessment of certain categories of medical device.

Question-and-answer guidance on the implementation of these Regulations is available below.

Questions and answers on implementation of the medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Regulations ((EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746)

Reference Number: EMA/37991/2019 Rev.4

English (EN) (412.32 KB - PDF)

First published: 28/02/2019 Last updated: 21/05/2024

Questions and answers on implementation of the medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices Regulations ((EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746) - tracked changes

Reference Number: EMA/37991/2019 Rev.4

English (EN) (438.76 KB - PDF)

First published: 22/10/2019 Last updated: 21/05/2024

According to the current medical devices legislative framework, the EMA mainly provides scientific opinions to notified bodies through consultation procedures.

EMA's regulatory role is limited to the assessment of certain categories of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics, and in the context of medicinal products used in combination with a medical device.

EMA can only address questions under its remit.

Medicinal products used in combination with a medical device

Some medicines are used in combination with a medical device, usually to enable the delivery of the medicine.

If the principal intended action is achieved by the medicine, it is considered a medicinal product that includes a medical device.

The entire product is regulated under EU pharmaceutical legislation (Directive 2001/83/EC or Regulation (EC) No 726/2004) and must obtain a marketing authorisation for a medicinal product.

The device part of the combination may require a conformity assessment, as follows: